I Live Far Away, But Still Need Help…

If you’re feeling drawn to this site and feel ready for change, you are in the right place. Kristin provides distance healing treatments to patients all around the world. How? Medical Qigong. All it takes is a simple phone call to understand what you're working with and time for you to relax and Kristin takes care of you. This is similar a telehealth appointment you may have experienced with your doctor. Yes, truly.

What is Medical Qigiong?

Medical Qigong connects to acupuncture points, but no needles are used. Kristin has been studying Medical Qigong since 2007 when she met Paul Fraser. When Paul was 19 he had terminal cancer and learning qigong paired with acupuncture helped his cancer vanish. Paul was so convinced of the healing powers he experienced, he devoted his life to studying qigong and acupuncture, and his sister and best friend did the same. Kristin knew she wanted to do the same, too.

Kristin studied with Paul as much as she could. This meant observation hours at his clinic in Boston when she visited her family for the Christmas holidays, it meant studying with him through three rounds of Qigong training programs, and it meant asking him questions. A LOT of questions. Luckily Paul answered.

He taught her the practice of qigong (which looks a lot like Tai Chi) and taught her how to build her own battery up so she could better serve others. He introduced her to his first teacher, Tom Tam, L.Ac. He also introduced her to Master Ou, who teaches what Kristin feels is the most powerful form of qigong called Pan Gu Shengong. It is the form Kristin practices almost exclusively. In 2008 Kristin was certified to teach the moving form of Pan Gu Shengong and, after years of devotion, in 2016 she was among a small group certified to teach the nonmoving form. Only 32 people in the world are trained to teach both forms, and Kristin is honored to be one of them.

Can I learn to practice on my own?

YES! Kristin teaches qigong forms throughout Massachusetts and to patients worldwide so they can practice on their own. It is a terrific compliment to acupuncture sessions to help a patient build up his or her own battery. It is a fantastic stand-alone treatment plan to work through challenges. Kristin would love to tell you more. Email her with questions or text to schedule a qigong session.

Text 413/544-0108 to SCHEDULE TODAY!